It's been along time since I have my tutorials updated. I have a new and easier way of unlocking E153. It is easier and risk free unlike the previous tutorial.
Step 1: Upgrade the firmware of your dongle. This upgrade will enable you fix some bugs and enable your modem to have call feature. You should do this process so that you can continue to the next process.
Today USB Modems are widely used by Internet subscribers because of its portability and accessibility. As the competition rises each network provider are also releasing new features for every modem. The newest feature they are adding is the call feature where you can call using your Computer provided you have the speaker and microphone. In this tutorial I will teach you how to avail those new features without buying new modems.
Most of the Facebook users are irritated and not comfortable with the new chatbox. Users are not comfortable of the features introduce by the new facebook chatbox.Now your discomfort is over because you can now get your old chatbox back.